
unusual facts about Gasolin' 2

Gasolin' 2

Gasolin' 2 was produced by Gasolin', Sture Lindén and Poul Bruun and engineered by Freddy Hansson in Rosenberg Studio in Copenhagen.


The music on this album is unlike the hard rock of Gasolin' more poppish and is the start of the electronic sounds that would dominate his next records such as Jungle Dreams and Midt om natten.

While Kim Larsen was a member of Gasolin' he released three solo albums, Værsgo, Kim Larsen og Yankee drengene and Starfuckers: Vogt dem for efterligninger.

Derudaf Forever

Derudaf Forever is a live album by Danish rock band Gasolin', released 15 years after it was recorded.

It was Gasolin's third live album, the other two are Live Sådan and Live i Skandinavien.

Gas 5

Gas 5 was Gasolin's fifth album in five years and was released in October 1975.

Gasolin' 3

Gasolin' 3 was the third album from Danish rock band Gasolin', released in November 1973.

In 1974, Gasolin' 3 was released with English lyrics as Gasolin'.

Kim Larsen

In 1969 he met Franz Beckerlee and Wili Jønsson, and the three founded Gasolin' which, later joined by drummer Søren Berlev, became one of the most successful Danish rock bands.

Live sådan

Live sådan contains two songs not written by Gasolin' themselves: "Keep on Knockin'" by Perry Bradford and made famous by Little Richard, and "Sort, sort, sort" which is an old Danish folk song.

Stakkels Jim

Stakkels Jim (aka Gas 4) is a studio album by Gasolin' and was released in November 1974.

Sweet Silence Studios

A variety of artists have recorded there, including Cat Stevens, Gasolin, Ole Prehm, Metallica, C.V. Jørgensen and Kliché.

see also