
3 unusual facts about Gaudy


At St Chad's College the College feastday begins with a proclamation of the feast and includes an early rise, college invasions, green breakfast, as well as a host of competitions that see students spread out into the City vying to win various awards.

The Lord Peter Wimsey mystery Gaudy Night, by Dorothy Sayers, is set at such a reunion at a fictional women's college at Oxford.

At St Edward's School, Oxford and Radley College in Oxfordshire, gaudy is the name given to the end of year celebrations; occasionally taking the form of an evening event.


Gaudy Night |

Busman's Honeymoon

Busman's Honeymoon was preceded by adaptations of Whose Body?, Strong Poison, and Gaudy Night (all adapted by Frances Limoncelli and produced at Lifeline Theatre).

Eddy Duchin

Duchin had no formal music training—which was said to frustrate his musicians at times—but he developed a style rooted in classical music that some saw as the forerunner of Liberace's ornate, gaudy approach.

Lifeline Theatre

Lifeline also produced world premiere adaptations of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings trilogy (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the Ring) and four installments of the Dorothy L. Sayers Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries (Whose Body?, Strong Poison, Gaudy Night, and Busman's Honeymoon).

see also