
3 unusual facts about Gazprom Neft

Gazprom Neft

Based on an audit of reserves conducted by DeGolyer and MacNaughton and according to the Petroleum Resources Management System standards, the company's proven reserves at the end of 2012 totaled 1.2 billion tonnes of oil equivalent, and its reserve replacement ratio was over 286%.

The company wholly or partly owns 5 oil refineries (the Omsk Oil Refinery, Moscow Oil Refinery, Slavneft-Yaroslavnefteorgsintez (YANOS) and two oil refineries in Pančevo and Novi Sad that belong to Naftna Industrija Srbije).

Vladan Lukić

During the summer 2010 off-season, Lukić struck a sponsorship deal with Russian oil company Gazprom Neft.


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