Kaiser-Friedrich-Gedächtniskirche (also known in English as Emperor Frederick Memorial Church) in Berlin
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche (also known in English as Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church) in Berlin.
His most notable works are the group of four mourners at Langemark German war cemetery, the fountains at the Innenministerium in Munich, the Memorial in Treuchtlingen, the busts of Richard Wagner and of Karl von Fischer in the Bayerisches Nationaltheater, and two large reliefs for the Gedächtniskirche in Kaiserslautern.
J.S. Bach: Schäferkantate BWV 249a · Doppelkonzert nach BWV 1060, Edith Mathis, Hetty Plümacher, Theo Altmeyer, Jakob Stämpfli, Gächinger Kantorei & Figuralchor der Gedächtniskirche Stuttgart, Bach-Collegium Stuttgart, conductor Helmuth Rilling, Cantate-Musicaphon 1967