
3 unusual facts about Geelong Grammar School

Geelong Grammar School

Former teachers include the German/Australian artist Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack.

He attracted many acclaimed in their fields to work as masters at the school, including the historian Manning Clark, the musician Sir William McKie, and the artist Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack.

James Cuthbertson

In 1875 Cuthbertson joined the staff of the Geelong Grammar School as classical master under the pretense that he had completed his degree at Oxford.

Arthur Grimshaw

He was appointed Assistant Chaplain at Geelong Grammar School from 1959 to 1961, vicar of Romsey and Sunbury with Lancefield from 1961 to 1964 and Precentor at St George's Cathedral, Perth from 1964 to 1968.

Eton Fives

Only a few courts exist outside Britain, most notably at Geelong Grammar School in Australia (the school is often referred to as the 'Eton of Australia'); there are also courts in Geneva, Zurich, Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz, Switzerland, St. Paul's School, Darjeeling, India and Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Malaysia, and two brand new courts have recently been completed in the South of France, in the village of Grillon, Provence.

Peter Holmes à Court

After completing his schooling at Geelong Grammar School in Corio, he read law at Oxford University and received his BA in economics and theatre from Middlebury College, Vermont.

see also