In addition, Honeywell is building a new plant in Geismar, Louisiana, USA to produce the new refrigerant as well.
The Nechalacho Project is planned to consist of facilities at three separate sites: an underground mine and concentrator at Thor Lake, a hydrometallurgical plant at the Pine Point Mine site and a rare earth refinery to be located in Geismar, Louisiana.
Althaus was teaching Physics and Mathematics at the Polytechnic Secondary School in Geismar, Thuringia, from 1983 to 1989, where he became deputy headteacher in 1987.
Geismar is a municipality in the district of Eichsfeld in Thuringia, Germany.
When Hurricane Katrina hit the city in 2005, Collins and his family had to leave, and eventually settled in Geismar, Louisiana.
Their real Christianisation took place, alongside the ecclesiastical organisation of their territory, during the early and mid 8th century under Boniface, who felled their "sacred oak" at Geismar in 724, abolishing the vestiges of their paganism.
According to Willibald's 8th century Life of Saint Boniface, the felling of the tree occurred during Boniface's life earlier the same century at an unclear location at the time known as Gaesmere (several locations are recorded as bearing the name Geismar in Hesse).
Magellan Data and Mapping Strategies, now called Magellan Strategies, is a survey research firm with offices in Louisville, Colorado and Geismar, Louisiana.
The source for the latter designation comes from the 1602 Historia S. Bonifacii by Johannes Letzner, who claims that after Boniface destroyed the Donar Oak near Geismar (now in Fritzlar, Hesse) he traveled to the Stuffenberg in Eichsfeld, where the god Stuffo was worshiped by the local population.