
3 unusual facts about Geleen


In July 2002, DSM's petrochemicals business, located on the manufacturing locations in Geleen and Gelsenkirchen (Germany) were acquired by SABIC Europe.

The State mining company DSM (privatised in 1989) however remained active in Geleen, now purely as a chemicals producer.

Settela Steinbach

Anna Maria (Settela) Steinbach (December 23, 1934, Buchten – July 31, 1944) was a Dutch girl who was gassed in Nazi Germany's Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp.

Geleen Eaters

The Geleen Smoke Eaters, named after the Trail Smoke Eaters, played their first game against Amsterdam on November 2, 1968.

Jansgeleen Castle

The castle, already in a bad shape at the end of the 19th century, and further damaged by the mine galleries of the nearby big Maurits mine at Geleen in the 1920s, was finally demolished in the 1930s.

see also