
unusual facts about General Biographical Dictionary

Thomas Flatman

Alexander Chalmers attributes the satirical work Don Juan Lamberto, or a Comical History of the late Times to Flatman in his entry in the General Biographical Dictionary of 1812-1817.

John Lauris Blake's General Biographical Dictionary

The book was largely inspired by another book of the same name by a British author, the General Biographical Dictionary of Alexander Chalmers.

see also

Alexander Chalmers' General Biographical Dictionary

The General Biographical Dictionary is a bestselling book compiled by British author Alexander Chalmers.

George Edmund Byron Bettesworth

Rose, Hugh James, Henry John Rose, Thomas Wright (1857) A new general biographical dictionary, Volume 4.

John Lauris Blake's General Biographical Dictionary

The General Biographical Dictionary was a book written by American clergyman John Lauris Blake.