
5 unusual facts about Genotype

Gene expression programming

In gene expression programming the linear chromosomes work as the genotype and the parse trees as the phenotype, creating a genotype/phenotype system.

Thus, GEP is a genotype-phenotype system, benefiting from a simple genome to keep and transmit the genetic information and a complex phenotype to explore the environment and adapt to it.

Genotype-phenotype distinction

The genotype-phenotype distinction is very similar to Aristotle's distinction between potentiality and actuality.

Separate Spheres

The notion of separate spheres dictates that men, based primarily on their biological makeup as well as the will of God, inhabit the public sphere – the world of politics, economy, commerce, and law.


Thais Fabricius, 1807 (Mag. Insekt 6: 283) type Papilio hypsiphyle Fabricius by monotypy.


Reproduction uses the genetic operators: crossover and mutation to create new individuals by transforming its predecessor’s genotype and Selection uses Hausdorff distance as the fitness evaluation methodology to select the best individuals, as well as eliminating the ones too distant from the Target set.

Italian traditional maize varieties

, whose genetic progress is mainly founded on the combination of the structural and physiological traits, contributed by each parental genotype, and a hazard to the specific qualities of different maize varieties, selected throughout the centuries as a major element for each peculiar meal involving maize derivates.

Revised NEO Personality Inventory

The NEO PI-R has been used in numerous research studies that investigate a link between genotype and personality or brain and personality — as in the competing personality inventory of C. Robert Cloninger.


Three species are named and described (Flower 1968) from the Garden City limestone of Whiterockian age near Logan and northern Utah, including the genotype Williamsoceras adnatum.

see also