
unusual facts about Geochemistry


KREEP, an acronym built from the letters K (the atomic symbol for potassium), REE (Rare Earth Elements) and P (for phosphorus), is a geochemical component of some lunar impact breccia and basaltic rocks.

A.J. Timothy Jull

He graduated from the University of Bristol in 1976 with a PhD in Geochemistry, doing postdoctoral work at Cambridge and the Max Planck Institute.

Bender Glacier

It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (2006) after Professor Michael L. Bender at the Department of Geosciences (Geochemistry), Princeton University (earlier at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island), whose paleoclimate research from 1984 centered on the glacial-interglacial climate change and the global carbon cycle.

Chingiz Khalifa-zade

He lists sport, running and swimming as well as History of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijani literature and music among his interests and Mineralogy, Petrology, Geochemistry, Paleobiochemistry and natural deposits as research areas.

Francis Albarède

Francis Albarède (born 1947) is a French geochemist.

Geochemical Society

F.W. Clarke Medal - to an early-career scientist for a single outstanding contribution to geochemistry or cosmochemistry.

Harmon Craig

Craig studied geology and chemistry at the University of Chicago, where he earned a Ph.D. under Nobel Laureate Harold Urey with a thesis on carbon isotope geochemistry in 1951.


Houtermans Award, award of the European Association of Geochemistry

John Meurig Thomas

In recognition of his contributions to geochemistry, a new mineral, meurigite, was named after him in 1995 by the International Mineralogical Association.

Patomskiy crater

There the department head of Institute of Geochemistry St. Petersburg Russian Academy of Sciences (IG SB RAS), Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Viktor Antipin said that: "Since the expedition in 2006 at the Institute of Geochemistry (IGC), SB RAS came to the conclusion that the origin of Patomskiy crater is probably from geological processes.

Stuckless Glacier

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) (1999) after John S. Stuckless, Department of Geology, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb (later U.S. Geological Survey), who, in several seasons from 1972–73, investigated the geochemistry of McMurdo volcanic rocks, correlating samples from several Ross Island sites with DVDP core samples obtained in McMurdo Dry Valleys.

William Francis Hillebrand

He studied organic chemistry for three semesters with Wilhelm Rudolph Fittig at the University of Strasbourg, but changed to geochemistry and metallurgy by studying at the Freiberg Mining Academy.

Xie Xuejing

Xie received many honors and awards both from China and international organizations, especially the prestigious AAG Gold Medal from the Association of Applied Geochemists in June, 2007 at the 23rd International Geochemical Exploration Symposium banquet in Oviedo, Spain, for "his outstanding scientific achievements in exploration geochemistry".

see also