
2 unusual facts about Georg Jellinek

Antoni Peretiatkowicz

Under the influence of Georg Jellinek, Peretiatkowicz came to a decision to concentrate on constitutional law and political doctrines as his main area of research.

Legal status of Germany

The issue of the legal status of Germany from an international legal perspective prompted questions, as the Allied takeover was neither determined by the Hague Conventions nor could it be measured against the three-element theory of state law developed by the legal academic Georg Jellinek (1851–1911), whereafter a state qualifies as a subject of international law if it fulfills the three characteristics of territory, people, and government.

Hans Kelsen

In 1908 Kelsen won a research scholarship which allowed him to attend the University of Heidelberg for three consecutive semesters, where he studied with the distinguished jurist Georg Jellinek before returning to Vienna.

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