
5 unusual facts about George Abram Miller

Dedekind group

In 1898 George Miller delineated the structure of a Hamiltonian group in terms of its order and that of its subgroups.

Hans Wussing

Newman also notes that a broader perspective on the topic would require reading the works of George Abram Miller.

Henry Roy Brahana

Brahana was the editor for the publication by the University of Illinois Press of the collected works of George Abram Miller in 5 volumes, coming out in the years 1935, 1939, 1946, 1955, and 1959.

Krull–Schmidt theorem

Wolfgang Krull (Über verallgemeinerte endliche Abelsche Gruppen, M. Z. 23 (1925) 161–196), returned to G.A. Miller's original problem of direct products of abelian groups by extending to abelian operator groups with ascending and descending chain conditions.

of Math (1909)), for finite groups, though he mentions some credit is due to an earlier study of G.A. Miller where direct products of abelian groups were considered.

see also