
83 unusual facts about George W. Bush

19 January 2006 Osama bin Laden tape

bin Laden claimed that "if Bush carries on with his lies and deception, it may be useful for you to read the book The Rogue State."

2004 Republican National Convention protest activity

2004 Republican National Convention protest activity includes the broad range of marches, rallies, performances, demonstrations, exhibits, and acts of civil disobedience in New York City to protest the 2004 Republican National Convention and the nomination of President George W. Bush for the 2004 U.S. presidential election.

2005 World Summit

The pre-summit negotiations were blown sharply off course by the appearance in early August at the U. N. of United States Ambassador to the U. N. John Bolton, appointed as a recess appointment by U.S. President George W. Bush.

Ahead of the Lions

"...an agitprop opus that attacks the apathy, paranoia, and mood-altered gazes of George Bush-era America"- Stephen Mooallem, Interview Magazine

Alexandre Adler

Adler was one of the rare French intellectuals to defend George W. Bush's candidacy against Al Gore during the 2000 presidential election.

Anneli Jäätteenmäki

The documents contained diplomatic information from a meeting between United States President George W. Bush and Finland's Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen about Finland's position regarding the U.S.'s Iraq war.

Ares I

President George W. Bush had announced the Vision for Space Exploration in January 2004, and NASA under Sean O'Keefe had solicited plans for a Crew Exploration Vehicle from multiple bidders, with the plan for having two competing teams.

B.S.A. Swamy

He was a member of a people's court jury which found George W. Bush, President of the United States of America, guilty in perpetrating terrorism in the name of fighting terrorism and attacking and threatening other countries using the issue of nuclear weapons as a pretext and resorting to human rights violation and large-scale killings of people, including women and children, especially in Afghanistan and Iraq and creating a sense of insecurity in the world.

Bill Clinton Boulevard

Elsewhere in Pristina, Kosovo has also named a central street after American President George W. Bush.

Bill Gammell

The two families became friends, with George W. Bush spending the summer at the Gammell's farm in Scotland.

Career Advancement Accounts

Career Advancement Accounts are an attempt to better educate low-income individuals created by George W. Bush as part of the American Competitiveness Initiative.

Charles Branham-Bailey

Branham-Bailey was an occasional free-lance stringer during the presidential campaigns of Jesse Jackson and Michael Dukakis in 1988, Jerry Brown and Bill Clinton in 1992, Bob Dole and running mate Jack Kemp in 1996, and Al Gore and George W. Bush in 2000, covering their campaigns in Virginia and Florida.

Charm Tong

On 31 October 2005, Charm Tong visited the White House to discuss the Burmese political situation with US president George W. Bush, National Security Advisor Stephen J. Hadley and other senior US officials.

Children's Day

"National Child's Day" was proclaimed by President George W. Bush as June 3, 2001 and in subsequent years on the first Sunday in June.

Ciro Rodriguez

His campaign was under-financed, but gained significant momentum after a Washington Post photographer snapped a photo of Cuellar at the 2006 State of the Union address, on the Republican side of the aisle, smiling as President George W. Bush affectionately grabbed his face.

Conservation easement

As a result of legislation signed by President George W. Bush on August 17, 2006 (H.R. 4 The Pensions Protection Act of 2006), in 2006 and 2007, conservation easement donors were able to deduct the value of their gift at the rate of 50% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) per year.

Cửa Bắc Church

In November, 2006, the Cua Bac Catholic Church became the venue of joint worship service of the Vietnamese Catholics and Protestants with participation of the United States President George W. Bush, who was on an official visit to Vietnam.

Dedman School of Law

Alumna Harriet Miers served as the White House Deputy Chief of Staff and (later) White House Counsel for then-President George W. Bush.

Diary of a Bad Year

The essays, which take up the larger part of each page, are on wide-ranging topics, including the politics of George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Guantanamo Bay, and terrorism.

Edna Parker

In 2007, she received a letter from President George W. Bush on her 114th birthday, who thanked her for “sharing her wisdom and experiences” with younger generations.

Effects of Hurricane Isabel in North Carolina

Hours after Isabel made landfall, President George W. Bush issued a major disaster declaration for 26 North Carolina counties, which allowed the use of federal personnel, equipment and lifesaving systems and the delivery of heavy-duty generators, plastic sheeting, tents, cots, food, water, medical aid and other essential supplies and materials for sustaining human life.


The site's final tracking using algorithm 1 posted on Election Day, November 2 gave 262 electoral votes to John Kerry and 261 to George W. Bush, with 15 tossups.

Elfyn Llwyd

In August 2004 Llwyd joined Adam Price in a campaign to impeach then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair over the alleged misleading of the UK Parliament and for allegedly making a secret agreement with then US President George W. Bush to overthrow Saddam Hussein, amongst other charges.

English Wikipedia

The study stated that the most disputed entries on the English Wikipedia were: George W. Bush, Anarchism, Muhammad, List of WWE personnel, global warming, circumcision, United States, Jesus, race and intelligence, and Christianity.

Freedom Square, Tbilisi

In 2005 Freedom Square was the location where U.S. President George W. Bush and Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili addressed a crowd of around 100,000 people in celebration of the 60th anniversary marking the end of World War II.

Ghana national baseball team

In June 2008, US President George W. Bush, Ghanaian Vice President Aliu Mahama and outgoing US ambassador Pamela Bridgewater were honored for their work in developing baseball and softball in the country.

Guantanamo: My Journey

Hicks’ accounts are supported by the words of top US army officials as well as by the US political machine, in particular George W. Bush.

Highway Beautification Act

On August 10, 2005, President George W. Bush signed SAFE-TEA-LU (Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users at a ceremony in Illinois; it is scheduled to expire on September 30, 2009.

History of Shreveport, Louisiana

It came into national attention when President George W. Bush was taken there during the September 11, 2001 attacks.

History of spaceflight

The Constellation space program, began by President George W. Bush in 2004, aimed to launch a next-generation multifunction Orion spacecraft by 2018.

Huda bin Abdul Haq

Muklas showed no remorse during the proceedings and used his time in court to denounce George W. Bush and the United States.

Human rights in Indonesia

In the United States, the US Senate had since early 2001 been rejecting repeated efforts by the Bush administration to have US funding of the Indonesian military resumed, a ban which had been reluctantly imposed by the Clinton administration after TNI officers were filmed coordinating the Dili Scorched Earth campaign.

James Anthony Tamayo

On September 10, 2008, Tamayo called upon the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush to halt work-place raids in search of illegal immigrants.

James C. Mahan

Mahan was nominated by President George W. Bush on September 10, 2001, to a new seat created by 114 Stat.

James Orange

In 2004, Orange protested the interruption of Atlanta's King commemorations due to an uninvited appearance by George W. Bush.

Jamestown Settlement

The site was visited by several dignataries, including President George W. Bush and Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the landing at Jamestown in 2007.

Jesco von Puttkamer

From 2009 until his death, Puttkamer provided management leadership at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., on the programs of the International Space Station (ISS), for which he held special responsibilities as a Russia expert for the Russian segment and activities and daily on-orbit operation/increments, the Space Shuttle and, since 2004, President George W. Bush's Vision for Space Exploration, was stationed in the HQ Space Operations Mission Directorate (SOMD).

Jonny L

Another album, 27 Hours A Day followed with the George W. Bush-sampling single "Let's Roll" in 2003.

Julie E. Cram

Julie E. Cram is a lobbyist for DDR Advocacy and a Republican operative who worked for former U.S. President George W. Bush.

Kimble Ainslie

Ainslie criticized the George W. Bush Administration for insufficient attention to small business, for socializing workforce policy, for pressuring single mothers on social assistance to commit to marriage, and he encouraged the use of asset development for the working poor.

Kitty Kelley

Kelley announced plans for the book shortly after George W. Bush's election in 2001 and worked on it for four years.

Korean immigration to Hawaii

On January 13, 2003, George W. Bush made a special proclamation honoring the Centennial of Korean Immigration to the United States, recognizing the contributions of Korean Americans to the nation.

Marley Shelton

The following year, she portrayed a minor role in the biopic film about George W. Bush, W., directed by Oliver Stone.

Martin Gilbert

His appointment to this inquiry was criticised in parliament by William Hague, Claire Short, George Galloway, and Lynne Jones on the basis that Gilbert had once compared George W. Bush and Tony Blair, to Roosevelt and Churchill.

Metal Wolf Chaos

Michael Wilson, a relative of Woodrow Wilson, soon becomes the President of the United States, drawing parallels to the real life presidency of George W. Bush at the time of the game's release.

Midge Miller

She had used a tax rebate provided by the new administration of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney to travel to Washington, D.C. to lobby against Bush's proposed Star Wars national missile defense program.

Military of Puerto Rico

The U.S. Navy's largest training area for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet used to be in Puerto Rico and in the Atlantic Ocean surrounding the island, but this was ended after President George W. Bush ordered the closure of the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station and the Vieques Island training grounds.

Minidoka National Historic Site

On May 8, 2008, President George W. Bush signed the Wild Sky Wilderness Act into law, which changed the status of the former U.S. National Monument to National Historic Site and added the Nidoto Nai Yoni (Let It Not Happen Again) Memorial on Bainbridge Island, Washington to the monument.

Miss Me Yet?

It featured former U.S. President George W. Bush's image waving and smiling from a billboard over the words "MISS ME YET?".

Mitsuru Meike

A frantic search for a rubber model of George W. Bush's finger, capable of releasing the U.S.'s nuclear arsenal, ensues.

Moderate Youth League

Chairwoman Tove Lifvendahl proudly wore an "I love Bush" shirt after George W. Bush's election in 2000, although she was quick to criticise him for the steel tariffs he later imposed.

National Program Office

However, those efforts proved incomplete when the legacy NPO plan for Continuity of Government was briefly activated by President George W. Bush on September 11, 2001 in response to the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, DC.

Native American Languages Act of 1990

From 2007-2012, funding for language instruction in public schools has been made available through the Esther Martinez Native American Languages Preservation Act, signed by President George W. Bush on December 14, 2006, to prevent the loss of heritage and culture.

Nick Harper

His 2006 album Treasure Island was a change of direction, seeing both a concerted shift to more overtly political themes (songs such as Knuckledraggers, Sleeper Cell and Intelligent Design - spliced together from audio clips of George W. Bush's speeches on the war on terror - were all highly critical of the Bush regime) and to more historical perspectives.


U.S. presidents who have used this pronunciation include Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush.

Olympia Brewing Company

Josh Brolin's George W. Bush drinks a barely recognizable bottle of Olympia beer in W. (2008).

Patrick Nielsen Hayden

He supports liberal issues, and is critical of George W. Bush's administration and the Iraq War.

Paulo Evaristo Arns

Arns also expressed a political opinion in criticising the President of the United States, George W. Bush.

Penta Water

Bill Holloway, G. R. Holloway and Tommy Thompson (who was the Secretary for Health and Human Services for President George W. Bush) sit on the board of directors.

Philip J. Carroll

In 2003 he was appointed by the Bush administration to head the policy planning advisory board of the Iraqi Oil Ministry.

Pio Laghi

On 1 March 2003, Laghi, as special papal envoy to the United States, met with President George W. Bush and conveyed the Pope's request that the United States reconsider the decision to go to war against Iraq.

Point Omega

In his review for Publishers Weekly, Dan Fesperman revealed that the Finley character is "...a middle-aged filmmaker who, in the words of his estranged wife, is too serious about art but not serious enough about life" and compares Elster to "a sort of Bush-era Dr. Strangelove without the accent or the comic props".


In a Talking to Americans segment on the Canadian mock television news show This Hour Has 22 Minutes during the 2000 American election, comedian Rick Mercer posed as a reporter and asked several people (including then-Texas governor George W. Bush) what they thought of "Prime Minister Jean Poutine" and his endorsement of Bush for president.

President Bush

George W. Bush (born 1946), 43rd President of the United States (2001–2009) and son of George H. W. Bush

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Hanoi

In November, 2006, the Cua Bac Catholic Church in Hanoi became the venue of joint worship service of the Vietnamese Catholics and Protestants with participation of the United States President George W. Bush, who was on an official visit to Vietnam.

Saddam Beach

In November 2006, villagers reacted to the death sentence of Saddam Hussein by staging a protest rally, mouthing slogans against American President George W. Bush.

Saleh v. Bush

The suit is being brought to court by Comar Law, against former president George W. Bush, former vice president Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, former national security adviser and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state Colin Powell, and former deputy secretary of defense and president of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz.

Saleh v. Bush is being brought to court against 6 members of the George W. Bush administration: former president George W. Bush, former vice president Dick Cheney, former secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld, former national security adviser and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state Colin Powell, and former deputy secretary of defense and president of the World Bank Paul Wolfowitz.

San Francisco 2004 same-sex weddings

Newsom claimed that he was inspired to allow same-sex marriages after hearing President Bush's State of the Union address, in which he proposed outlawing such marriages nationwide by constitutional amendment.

Sander Hicks

Horns and Halos (2002), an award-winning documentary film directed by Suki Hawley and Michael Galinsky, is primarily about the difficult road the author (James Hatfield) and publisher (Sander Hicks at Soft Skull Press) travelled to bring Fortunate Son, an unauthorized and controversial biography of George W. Bush to bookshelves again.

Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act

The Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields Revitalization Act (Pub .L.No. 107-118, 115 stat. 2356, "the Brownfields Law") was signed into law by President George W. Bush on January 11, 2002.

Stanley M. Chesley

In May 2008, President George W. Bush appointed Chesley to serve on the Honorary Delegation to accompany him to Jerusalem for the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the State of Israel.

Students Against Destructive Decisions

In 2007, SADD attended a special White House event during which President George W. Bush highlighted a decline in youth drug use from 2001 to 2007.

Tariq al-Sawah

Originally the Bush Presidency asserted that captives apprehended in the "war on terror" were not covered by the Geneva Conventions, and could be held indefinitely, without charge, and without an open and transparent review of the justifications for their detention.

Terry Parker High School

Ward Green was a Senior at Parker who played the clarinet at the time, but 36 years later, he was the Terry Parker band director when they marched in the 2001 Inaugural Parade for President George W. Bush.

Texas's 11th congressional district

It was President George W. Bush's strongest district in the entire nation in the 2004 election.

The Lost Children of Babylon

Some controversy occurs, since they condemn the terrorists, yet also George W. Bush and his administration for purportedly enabling the circumstances of 9/11.

Transatlantic Economic Council

It was established by an agreement signed on 30 April 2007 at the White House by U.S. President George W. Bush, President of the European Council Angela Merkel (also German Chancellor) and EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso.

Trouble No More

A re-working of "To Washington" featuring new lyrics critical of President George W. Bush and the Iraq War, generated much controversy upon the album's release.

United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana

appointer=G.W. Bush|

Vincent Scully

In 2004, President George W. Bush presented Scully with the National Medal of Arts, the United States' highest honor for artists and arts patrons.

Volusia error

Both Al Gore and George W. Bush were within 25 electoral votes of the necessary count to win the presidency, so the entire race boiled down to the contest in Florida.

William Deresiewicz

Deresiewicz uses Al Gore and George W. Bush, graduates of Harvard and Yale respectively, as examples of politicians that are out of touch with the lives of most Americans.

Abraham Shemtov

He regularly leads Chabad-Lubavitch delegations to the White House and played a pivotal role in the relationships formed between Schneerson and U.S. Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama.

Akiko Nakagami

Once she has advised U.S. President George H. W. Bush at the Houston summit in 1990.
She also has held prominent positions such as counsellor for Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

Albert J. Neri

During the 2000 presidential election, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge was known to be under consideration as the running mate for Republican George W. Bush.

Alexander Treadwell

In 2004, Treadwell was the host state chairman of the Republican National Convention that nominated President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for re-election.

Ariel Levy

At New York magazine, where Levy was a contributing editor for 12 years, she wrote about John Waters, Stanley Bosworth, Donatella Versace, the writer George W. S. Trow, the feminist Andrea Dworkin, and the artists Ryan McGinley and Dash Snow.

August Busch III

Unlike his father Gussie Busch, August III has been a lifelong supporter of the Republican Party, and a friend, ally, and financial supporter to Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and President George W. Bush.

Barbara Brandriff Crabb

On April 15, 2010, Crabb ruled in a suit that the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed in 2008 against the Bush administration that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional.

C. J. Cregg

Kept out of the loop with regard to the 1993 assassination attempt on former President George H. W. Bush, Myers assured the press that there would be no more news coming out of the White House hours before the United States bombed Baghdad.

CCR v. Bush

In CCR v. Bush the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a lawsuit against the Bush Presidency, challenging the National Security Agency's (NSA's) surveillance of people within the United States, including the interception of CCR emails without securing a warrant first.

Daisy Tourné

In 2007, as Interior Minister, Tourné oversaw security for the visit to Uruguay of US President George W. Bush, to whom a significant hostility among many of Ms. Tourné's Frente Amplio colleagues, raised in a tradition which magnifies Che Guevara and his Cuban fellow revolutionaries, was widely noted.

Dusty Mangum

After the game, according to The Daily Texan, President George W. Bush called UT football coach Mack Brown to congratulate him on the win, and to make sure he knew that he watched the entire game, right down to Mangum's last kick.

Executive Order 11850

On April 11, 2007 Joseph Benkert, a George W. Bush political appointee, informed the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Bush Presidency felt it could reinterpret the Executive Order and loosen the restriction on the use of gas as a riot control agent.

Gary Gibbon

Gibbon won the 2006 RTS Home News Award with Jon Snow for his scoop on the Attorney General's Legal Advice on Iraq, and revealed details of Tony Blair's pre-war meeting with George W. Bush.

George W. Hunter III

Hunter concentrated his research effort on that endemic problem, and by 1951 his team had eliminated it in the Nagatoishi district of Kurume City, Japan, using a landmark program of molluscicides to control the snail host.

George W. Jenkins

He was transferred to the company's largest store in Winter Haven, which he managed for four years.

George W. Joseph

He won the Republican nomination on May 16, defeating incumbent A. W. Norblad by over 5000 votes.

George W. Littlefield

Works on Littlefield include David B. Gracy, II, George Washington Littlefield: A Biography in Business (Ph.D. dissertation; Texas Tech University, 1971) and J. Evetts Haley's George W. Littlefield, Texan (1943; through the University of Oklahoma Press in Norman, Oklahoma).

George W. M. Reynolds

His best-known work was the long-running serial The Mysteries of London (1844), which borrowed liberally in concept from Eugène Sue's Les Mystères de Paris (The Mysteries of Paris).

George W. Pepper

During the public debate over the expansion of advertising in the 1920s, Senator Pepper argued for a "nationwide code of regulation," described in a 1929 speech to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America.

George W. Whitmore

Upon the readmission of Texas, he was elected as a Republican to the Forty-first Congress and served from March 30, 1870, to March 3, 1871.

Hagen Rether

Important targets for his satires and biting ironies are, among many others, the Catholic Church, George W. Bush and well known German artists like Günter Grass, whom he criticizes for not admitting that he had actually been member of the Waffen-SS until August 2006, during which time he received a Nobel Prize for (as Rether implies) bad writing.

Hugo Young

Young was a strong proponent of European integration, and sharply expressed his disappointment with the British government's eurosceptic politics in his columns, including Prime Minister Tony Blair's decision to side with George W. Bush instead of his EU partners in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

James V. Hansen

In 1990 Hansen was one of the two main House sponsors of a resolution calling on the George H. W. Bush administration to stop pressure on Thailand to allow the sale of U.S. cigarettes.

Jonathan E. Sheppard

In both venues, he has had a long working relationship with stable owner, George W. Strawbridge, Jr. and in 2008 he conditioned Strawbridge's filly Forever Together to victory in the Breeders' Cup Filly & Mare Turf.

Lucy Ramirez

Lucy Ramirez is the name Bill Burkett gave at one point as his source for the Killian documents, which purported to relate to George W. Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard, and which were used in CBS News coverage of the George W. Bush military service controversy.

Mannie Garcia

Garcia's photograph of President George W. Bush surveying the damage from Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 from the high remove of Air Force One became a symbol of his administration's slow and detached reaction to the human suffering and wreckage below.

Manufacturing Dissent

The film also presents extended footage of the Al Smith annual memorial dinner from which Moore, in Fahrenheit 9/11, took a clip of President George W. Bush greeting the guests as the "haves and have-mores", insinuating that President Bush views the elite upper-class as his constituency, not the average American.

Martha Scanlan Klima

She was elected as a delegate to the Republican Party National Convention in 1984, which nominated Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

Mobile Regional Airport

It was at the Mobile Regional Airport that President George W. Bush, in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina on September 2, 2005, praised Michael D. Brown, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

New Zealand response to Hurricane Katrina

On 30 August 2005 NZST (29 August UTC-6/-5) Prime Minister Helen Clark sent condolences by phone and in a letter with an offer of help to United States President George W. Bush and Foreign Affairs Minister Phil Goff also sent a message of sympathy to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

OpenDocument Format Alliance

The executive director is Marino Marcich, who served for four years in the Bush administration's State Department prior to joining the ODF Alliance.

Presidential Palace, Helsinki

A number of US Presidents have visited the palace, including Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush.

Ramiro Villapadierna

Exceptionally he toured the USA for a series on the American society, between the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush eras.

Robert Bush

Robert P. Bush (1842–1923), American physician, soldier and politician

Stephen Schneider

Schneider served as a consultant to federal agencies and White House staff in the Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.


George W. Strawbridge, Jr. (born 1937) American educator, historian, investor, sportsman, and philanthropist

Supply-side economics

In 2006 Sebastian Mallaby of The Washington Post quoted George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Bill Frist, Chuck Grassley, and Rick Santorum misstating the effect of the Bush Administration's tax cuts.

TD Ameritrade Park Omaha

Before the opening game of the CWS between Vanderbilt and North Carolina on Saturday, June 18, the ceremonial first pitch was delivered by former President George W. Bush.

Terri L. White

In 2007, while White was serving as the Department's Director of Communications and Public Policy, then Commissioner Terry Cline resigned after being nominated by (then) President of the United States George W. Bush to become the administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, an agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

The Price of Loyalty

Published in early 2004, The Price of Loyalty chronicled the tenure of Paul O'Neill as Treasury Secretary during the Bush Administration.

Tracy W. Bush

He is known for composing music for the popular games Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, World of Warcraft, StarCraft (all of which he also performed voice acting for), and StarCraft: Brood War, and for sound design on Diablo II and Diablo II: Lord of Destruction.

Virginia Ogilvy, Countess of Airlie

On 7 May 2007, she attended a state dinner at the White House, hosted by President George W. Bush and Mrs. Bush.

White House china

It was first used at a dinner function attended by Gerald Ford and Mrs. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Mrs. Carter, George H. W. Bush and Mrs. Bush, and Lady Bird Johnson.

William H. T. Bush

A former president of and director of the St. Louis-based Boatmen's Bancshares from 1978 to 1986 he is active in various St. Louis civic functions including being chairman of the Board of Trustees of Saint Louis University (1985–92), chairman of the Missouri Botanical Gardens (1991–93) and president of the Municipal Opera Association (The MUNY) (2005–06).

Zoran Đinđić

His meetings with Western leaders George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Jacques Chirac and others strongly indicated that the West supported his politics.