
5 unusual facts about George Albert Smith

George Albert Smith

From 1921 to 1935, Smith was the general superintendent of the church's Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association.

Just prior to his marriage to Lucy, Smith served as a Mutual Improvement Association missionary throughout many areas in Southern Utah.

Solomon, Arizona

It was made a ward the following year, with Elder George Albert Smith presiding over the organizing of the ward.

The Miser's Doom

The Miser's Doom is one of the earliest films featuring a ghost, although previous examples had been produced by Georges Méliès and George Albert Smith the previous year.

What of the Mormons?

As part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Mormon pioneers arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, Hinckley had been asked by church president George Albert Smith to write a book that would introduce the LDS Church to non-members.


One of the best claims is for George Albert Smith in Hove, who used medium close-ups in films as early as 1898 and by 1900 was incorporating extreme close-ups in films such as As Seen Through a Telescope and Grandma's Reading Glass.

see also