
4 unusual facts about George Devey

Decimus Burton

Bentham Hill House, Southborough, Kent (1830–2) a small country house in Deveyesque mode for Alexandre Pott, now converted into flats

Drayton House

There have been changes to the house in each century since, including works recorded by Isaac Rowe, John Webb, William Talman, Gerard Lanscroon, William Rhodes, Alexander Roos, George Devey and John Alfred Gotch.

Killarney House

The architect was George Devey but, according to Jeremy Williams, '... that feeling of being built up over the centuries that distinguished Devey's work was entirely lacking, partly due to the job being supervised by W.H. Lynn the Belfast architect at his most relentless ... The western-most gate lodge, gabled and galleried, which survives, is Devey at his most delightful.'

Pitchford Hall

James' son Charles Cotes commissioned the London architect George Devey to renovate and upgrade the house, which included the installation of replacement windows, baths and water closets.

Ascott, Buckinghamshire

In 1873 a farm house in the parish known as Ascott Hall was bought by Baron Mayer de Rothschild he gave it to his nephew Leopold de Rothschild who employed the architect George Devey to enlarge the property into a substantial country house.

see also