
3 unusual facts about George Haven Putnam

George Palmer Putnam

On Putnam's death in 1872 his sons George, John and Irving inherited the business and the firm's name was changed to G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Palmer Cosslett Putnam

Palmer Cosslett Putnam (1900-1984) was an American consulting engineer and wind power pioneer, the son of George Haven Putnam and Emily (Smith) Putnam (1865-1944).

Raphael Pumpelly

Her sister, Rebecca Kettell Shepard married author and publisher George Haven Putnam, the eldest son of publisher George Palmer Putnam and Victorine Haven Putnam.

Stuyvesant Square

The Stuyvesant Building, at 17 Livingston Place on the eastern edge of the Square, was home to such luminaries as publisher George Putnam, Harper's Bazaar editor Elizabeth Jordan and Elizabeth Custer, the widow of General George Armstrong Custer.

see also