
unusual facts about George McClellan

Civil War gold hoax

During the day a number of people -- one of them former Union commander General George McClellan -- became suspicious of the fact that the proclamation had been published in just two newspapers, and went to the offices of the Journal to determine the source.


Evelynton was the site of fierce Civil War skirmishes in 1862, when General George McClellan waged his destructive Peninsula Campaign; J.E.B. Stuart, Stonewall Jackson and John Pelham bravely led the Southern offensive in the Battle of Evelynton Heights.

History of Williamsburg, Virginia

As General George McClellan's Union forces crept up the Peninsula to pursue the retreating Confederate forces, a rear guard force led by General James Longstreet and supported by General J.E.B. Stuart's cavalry blocked their westward progression at the Williamsburg Line.

see also