
unusual facts about George More

Guildford Black Friary

However his asset-stripping breakaway of the Church of England from the established church saw the friary dissolved on 10 October 1538 but the house remained standing until 1606 when it was partly pulled down on the instruction of Sir George More, who carried away the materials by leave of George Austen, possibly for substantial use in building the wing which More added to Loseley Park, Artington.

Robert More

More was the eldest son of Sir George More of Loseley and his first wife Anne Poynings, daughter of Sir Adrian Poynings.

see also

Masked Prowler, The Story of a Raccoon

Masked Prowler, The Story of a Raccoon (1950) is a children's novel written by John and Jean George and illustrated by Jean George, more famously known by her later novels as Jean Craighead George.