
unusual facts about George Rex

Thomas Henry Duthie

Thomas married Caroline Rex the daughter of the founder of Knysna, George Rex.

Streptocarpus rexii

James Bowie, the King's Botanical Collector, first collected specimens and seeds of this plant in 1818 near Knysna on the estates of George Rex and sent these to Kew, asking that the plant be named after the legendary Rex.

see also

George Otto Noville

-- Related is George Rex Noville (1932-1975)--> In 1927 in a trimotor Fokker C-2 monoplane, the America he flew with Richard E. Byrd, Bernt Balchen, and Bert Acosta on their record setting transatlantic flight.

Ishapore Rifle Factory

Military rifles manufactured at Ishapore pre-1949 are stamped "GRI" on the buttsocket, referring to George Rex, Imperator (i.e. King George VI, last Emperor of India), whilst military rifles manufactured post-1948 are stamped "RFI", which stands for Rifle Factory, Ishapore.