
unusual facts about Georgi Plekhanov

Internationalist–defencist schism

The 'defencist' camp included many venerable figures of European socialism: Jules Guesde and Édouard Vaillant in France, Gustav Noske and Friedrich Ebert in Germany, Georgi Plekhanov and Ekaterina Breshkovskaia among the Russians.

Selig Perlman

While in high school, he learned Russian and a number of other European languages, and his teachers introduced him to the work of Georgi Plekhanov.

Stanisław Mendelson

Being a skilled organizer and publicist, Mendelson personally befriended many foremost European socialists - Friedrich Engels, Karl Liebknecht, Eduard Bernstein, Karl Kautsky, Paul Lafargue, Georgi Plekhanov and others.

see also