
unusual facts about Gerald Fitzgerald, Lord of Offaly

Ashfield Gales

These Graces were an ancient family in Ireland whose ancestry included Sir Oliver Grace, who married Mary, daughter of Sir Gerald Fitzgerald, 3rd Lord Decies, by his wife, Ellice, daughter of Piers Butler, 8th Earl of Ormond.

Battle of Stoke Field

With the help of Gerald FitzGerald, 8th Earl of Kildare and his brother Thomas FitzGerald of Laccagh, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Lincoln recruited 4,500 Irish mercenaries, mostly Kerns, lightly armoured but highly mobile infantry.

Gerald FitzGerald, 5th Duke of Leinster

After the 5th Duke's death of typhoid fever, his stamp collection, which contained around ten thousand pieces, was bequeathed to the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.

Gerald FitzGerald, 8th Duke of Leinster

After the war the future duke tried to farm the estate at Kilkea Castle, County Kildare, Ireland, but it proved unprofitable, and in the early 1960s he moved to Oxfordshire and worked in the aviation industry.

Gerald FitzGerald, 9th Earl of Kildare

He next turned north, and by diplomacy and force pacified the O'Neills and O'Donnells.

At this period, Kildare had partially lost the use of his limbs and his speech, in consequence of a gunshot wound received in an attack upon the O'Carrolls at Birr.

After inquiries, the King wrote to Surrey that, as they had "noon evident testimonies" to convict the Earl, he thought it but just to "release hym out of warde, and putt hym under suretie not to departe this our realme without our special lisense."

Gerald Fitzgerald, Lord of Offaly

After his father's death William Fitzaldhelm deprived him and his brothers of their stronghold of Wicklow, though after a time compelled to give them Ferns in exchange.

In 1199, though receiving King John's letters of protection, he was ordered to "do right" to Maurice Fitzphilip for the lands of 'Gessil and Lega' (possibly Geashill; maybe 'Lega' is in County Laois), that he had taken from Maurice.

James FitzGerald, 1st Earl of Desmond

James FitzGerald (c. 1570 – November 1601), an Irish nobleman, was the successor of Gerald FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond.

James FitzMaurice FitzGerald

FitzMaurice was son of Maurice Fitzjohn a Totane, brother of the 12th Earl of Desmond, and Julia O'Mulryan of County Tipperary, making him nephew of James FitzGerald, Earl of Desmond and cousin of Gerald FitzGerald, 15th Earl of Desmond.

Roll of Distinguished Philatelists

William Russell Lane-Joynt (1855–1921, United Kingdom), Honorary Curator of the Duke of Leinster's collection at the Dublin Museum of Science and Art.

see also