
unusual facts about Gerard of Florennes

Old Cambrai Cathedral

The first plans for a new cathedral were made after a fire in 1148 destroyed the city's 11th century cathedral (built by bishops Gerard of Florennes and Gerard of Lessines), with the choir only completed around 1251 (when the canons took possession of it) and the cathedral as a whole only consecrated in 1472.

Richard of Verdun

Due to his intimate connections with the local nobility, notably Gerard of Florennes, Bishop of Cambrai and Poppo of Stavelot, Richard was able to transform the simple monastery into a truly monumental repository of a variety of relics.

Saint Ghislain

They were transferred to Grandlieu, near Quaregnon, about the end of the tenth century or the beginning of the eleventh, and in 1025 Gerard of Florennes, Bishop of Cambrai, removed them to Le Cateau-Cambrésis.

see also