This is the second BBC series where Gerry Robinson works to turn around failing companies, but whereas his earlier series I’ll Show Them Who’s Boss had a commercial focus, this one deals with the public sector.
In June 2008, Robinson was one of four Labour donors who expressed their concerns with Gordon Brown's leadership and stated he would not be contributing any more money to the Labour Party until there was a change of leader.
In the mid-1990s, the Forte Group was faced with a hostile takeover bid from Gerry Robinson's Granada.
Robinson Crusoe | Edward G. Robinson | Jackie Robinson | Mary Robinson | Smokey Robinson | Tom Robinson | Gerry Anderson | Tony Robinson | Sugar Ray Robinson | Gerry Marsden | Gerry Conway | Gerry Adams | Earl Robinson | Kim Stanley Robinson | Gerry Rafferty | Robinson Jeffers | Robinson | Joan Robinson | Hercules Robinson, 1st Baron Rosmead | Ged Robinson | Constable & Robinson | Expedition Robinson | Benjamin Lincoln Robinson | Paul Robinson | Nate Robinson | Gerry Weber Open | Gerry Scotti | Gene Robinson | Bill Robinson | Gerry Goffin |