Get Closer, Released in November 2009 and produced by the renowned Thom Monahan (Devendra Banhart, Vetiver, Silver Jews, Dinosaur Jr, Jayhawks), features Alon backed by the band Tree with a sound ranging from alternative rock to psychedelic guitars and Americana.
On March 10, 2011, it was announced that in April, Alon would be enetering Paco Loco Studios in Cadiz, Spain, with producer Thom Monahan with whom he worked on his 2009 album Get Closer, to record his fourth studio album.
Geva Theatre Center | Geva Mentor | Alon USA | Alon Mizrahi | Alon Bar | The 'Sea of Galilee Boat' housed in the Yigal Alon Museum in Kibbutz Ginosar | The Legend of Alon D'ar | Moshe Ya'alon | Alon Shvut | Alon, Mateh Binyamin | Alon Harel | Alon |