Santa Maria Zobenigo, or Santa Maria del Giglio, a church in Venice, Italy
It was first isolated and purified by Brazilian scientist José Moura Gonçalves, and later intensively studied by his group of collaborators at the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo (C.R. Laure, A. Haddad, F.L. De Lucca and J.R. Giglio, among others).
Giglio’s short stories have been selected for inclusion in several anthologies, including Psychos: Serial Killers, Depraved Madmen, and the Criminally Insane, edited by John Skipp; After Death..., edited by Eric J. Guignard; Mirages, edited by Trent Zelazny; and Nightscapes Volume 1, edited by Robert S. Wilson.
They have worked with many international artists, including Giuseppe Giglio (Italy), Roman Rudnytsky (USA), Jansyk Kakhidze (Georgia), Christina Ortiz (England), Dimka Ashkenazy (England), and Liam O'Flynn (Ireland).