Thermal bags for use with pizza were patented in 1983 by Ingrid Kosar of Gilberts, Illinois for the specific use of allowing delivered pizzas to stay hotter, longer.
After joining the Colonial Office, he became a cadet administrative officer in the Gilberts (1914) and became Resident Commissioner of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony in 1926.
With those advantages in mind, on 20 July 1943 the joint Chiefs of Staff decided to capture the Tarawa and Abemama atolls in the Gilberts, plus nearby Nauru Island.
In September 1943 he became Commander Amphibious Group Two, Fifth Amphibious Force, and in that capacity participated in the capture of Tarawa, and later in operations against the Gilberts, Marshalls, Marianas, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa.
The Gilberts were pioneer settlers who disembarked on the banks of the Yarra River and set up camp on 30 August 1835.
Born on October 26, 1986 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Shannan is probably the most known out of all of the Gilberts.