
2 unusual facts about Gillie Potter

Gillie Potter

The son, J. H. B. Peel, became a Daily Telegraph writer on country matters.

Other than comedy, Englishness was the abiding passion for Potter, being an authority on heraldry, genealogy, and church history, a Knight Templar, a member of the Middle Temple and the Society of Genealogists, a vice-president of the Royal Society of St George and the Society of King Charles the Martyr, as well as for many years parish clerk of the church of St Botolph, Aldgate, London.

Death at Broadcasting House

The film sticks closely to the plot of the book, but is lighter in tone, and capitalizes on the glamour of broadcasting by including a number of cameo appearances by radio stars, among them Hannen Swaffer, Gillie Potter, Elisabeth Welch and Percival Mackey.

see also