Nicanor Parra | Violeta Parra | Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda | William Parra | Violeta Parra's | Roberto Parra | Parra, Goa | Parra | Nicole Parra | Manny Parra | Juanita Parra | Isabel Parra | Hèctor Parra | Ginés Pérez de Hita | Alondra de la Parra |
His presence was fundamental in the second wave of Spanish artists who arrived in Paris in the 1920s, in which he included Pablo Picasso, Ginés Parra, Pedro Flores, Antoni Clavé; although in his own country he was not really recognized until well into the 1970s when aspects of Art that did not fit in with the dominant informalism and social realism were finally valued.