
2 unusual facts about Gita Govinda

Gita Govinda

Barbara Stoler Miller's translated the book in 1977 as Love Song of the Dark Lord: Jayadeva's Gita Govinda (ISBN 0-231-11097-9).

Harold Peiris

Fluent in several languages, he translated to Sinhalese the Gita Govinda and in collaboration with L.C. Van Geyzel, translated most of the poems and plays of Kālidāsa in 1961.

Rambhadracharya's literary style

As per Shastry, new dimensions in Sanskrit literature are seen in the play Śrīrāghavābhyudayam where there are songs in the Gīti style, and Gītarāmāyaṇam which is an epic poem in the Gīti style of Gītagovindam by Jayadeva.

see also

Rajkumar Shitaljit Singh

Some of the books he translated from Bengali to Manipuri are the Gita Govinda and Padavali gi Shayan Shaikhan.