In 1955, he met Asger Jorn, with whom he co-founded the Experimental Laboratory of the Imaginist Bauhaus in Alba, which was part of the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus, in opposition to the return to productivism by others in the Bauhaus school, in particular Max Bill.
Giuseppe Garibaldi | Pinot noir | Giuseppe Tornatore | Giuseppe Sinopoli | Giuseppe De Santis | Giuseppe Capogrossi | Giuseppe Terragni | Giuseppe Mazzini | Giuseppe Ungaretti | Giuseppe Lignano | Giuseppe Tucci | Giuseppe Radaelli | Giuseppe Pizzardo | Giuseppe Morello | Giuseppe Marchese | Giuseppe Guarneri | Giuseppe Di Cristina | San Giuseppe Jato | Rima San Giuseppe | Pinot gris | Giuseppe Valdengo | Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa | Giuseppe Soleri | Giuseppe Sergi | Giuseppe Quaglio | Giuseppe Piazzi | Giuseppe Patroni Griffi | Giuseppe Parini | Giuseppe Mosca | Giuseppe Greco |
In 1957 the French Avant-Garde Groupe Situationist International was founded in Cosio di Arroscia by former members of two other avant-garde groupes, the International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus (Asger Jorn, Giuseppe Pinot-Gallizio a.o.) and the Lettrist International (Guy Debord a.o.).