
5 unusual facts about Gladiolus

Bean yellow mosaic virus

It also is known to infect several non-leguminous plants including Gladiolus sp.


Gladiolus, a genus of perennial bulbous flowering plants in the iris family (Iridaceae), sometimes called the sword lily or gladiola

International Four Days Marches Nijmegen

On the Friday, as participants near the finish, the public awards the walkers with Gladioli.

Polly Thayer Starr

Increasingly aware of the fragility of her vision, she concentrated on lavish pastels of gladiolas with their bees and an increasingly abstract sequence of cyclamen flowers drawn in chalk on black paper with touches of color, as well as delicate series of graphite drawings based on the life cycle of the thistle.

St. Charles, Minnesota

The annual city festival is Gladiolus Days which is always held the weekend before labor day in August.


Gladiolus | gladiolus |

Carl H. Fischer

Carl H. Fischer (May 22, 1907 – November 23, 2005) was a floriculturalist in the United States known for creating many new varieties of gladiolus flowers.

St. Charles, Minnesota, the city where he lived for most of his life, holds a Gladiolus Days festival which recognizes him every August.

Matthew 6:28

Modern scholars have proposed a number of different flowers that Jesus could be here referring to, according to Fowler these include the autumn crocus, scarlet poppy, Turk's cap lily, anemone coronaria, the narcissus, the gladiolus, and the iris.

see also