
unusual facts about Glimpse


GLIMPSE Project, project to investigate thinning at the margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet


GLIMPSE Project |

Accademia Aeronautica

The 1942 film The Three Pilots provides a glimpse of the palace as an aviation school.

Alpine Club of Canada

Byron Harmon, whose 6500+ photographs of the Canadian Rockies in the early 20th century provide the best glimpse of the area at that time, was official photographer to the club at its founding.


At the end of the fifteenth century, a poem in praise of the serpent-goddess written by Bipradas Pipilai gives us the first authentic glimpse of the area.

Cape May

The first European to catch a glimpse of Cape May was navigator Henry Hudson and 18 of his crew mates on the Halve Maen.

Clute, Texas

In addition, fossil logs and remains of bison, horse, deer and turtle are present, providing a glimpse of a unique Ice Age environment buried 35' below the surface, said Robson Bonnichsen, director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans.

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

Tours through the old Hensley Settlement, trips into Gap Cave, also known as Cudjo's Cave, (once used for shelter by traveling Indians and settlers), living history events, campfire programs and demonstrations of the settlers' lifestyle provide a glimpse of life in the past, Appalachian music festivals and concerts provide another view of the life in this area.

Douglas A. Zembiec

In July 2007, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates publicly lost his composure showing a rare glimpse of emotion from senior political leadership while discussing Major Zembiec during a speech.

European Public Information Centre

"A glimpse of Germany" 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall: a photography exhibition presenting post-communist Germany as a tourist destination

Good to See You Again, Alice Cooper

The film provides a glimpse of a far less family-friendly Alice Cooper than that portrayed in the Welcome to My Nightmare concert film (shot two years later on the lead singer's first solo tour).

Historic Collinsville

Historic Collinsville, located in south Montgomery County, Tennessee near Southside, is a recreated village/museum that offers a glimpse into mid 19th century life.

Julia Walker

Julia filled a chair at the Walker dinner table, but in contrast to Scotty and Robert (Rob Lowe), we never really got a glimpse of who she was outside of Tommy's wife and Elizabeth's mother.

Karnatakada Haridasaru

The reader of this book gets a fair glimpse into the cravings (or philosophical enquiries) of the human spirit through ages; the way such enquiries coursed through historic times in ancient Sumeria, Assyria, Egypt, Greece and Israel and later in Europe and Arabia and found its fulfilment in the long course of the development of Vedic thought in Hinduism, in the north and south of India through successive phases of Vedic, non-Vedic, Puranic and Darsanic thought.

Koby Arthur

According to the Birmingham Mails match report, "he was nimble, showed the odd glimpse".

Legazpi Airport

During that time, day and night, the airport site became an aviation museum of sorts with curious on-lookers taking a glimpse at the heavily guarded fighter plane, exactly the same piece used in the Schwarzenegger film True Lies.

Margaret Jenkins

A Slipping Glimpse was a collaboration between her company and several dancers from Tanusree Shankar Dance Company in Kolkata, India.

Martin Margiela

An article in New York Times dated October 1, 2008, gave many in the fashion world their first glimpse of Margiela's face, as well as breaking the news that he allegedly offered to hand the reins of his company over to Raf Simons, who appears to have declined the offer.

May Collins

At four years old she saw Peter Pan on stage and it was said that after the play she ran out to the stage door to catch a glimpse of the main star, Maude Adams.

McDonalds Mill, Virginia

The current owners, Ned and Janet Yost, want to preserve the mill and the land around it so that others can get a glimpse of life on the North Fork of the Roanoke River as it was when the region was first occupied by immigrants from the British Isles.

Mekhong Full Moon Party

The film takes a semi-documentary approach to its subject, examining the phenonmenon and its accompanying festival, which draws thousands of people to Nong Khai each year, as well as providing a glimpse at Isan culture, Thai folklore and such practices as eating insects.

Mormaer of Moray

The Gaelic notes in the Book of Deer dating from the mid 12th century offer a glimpse of the holding of land and the ordering of society in Moray.

Opzoek naar Yolanda

Photographer Rik Rollinga (Kenneth Herdigein), on his way to take a formal portrait of the Dutch queen (the invitation turns out to be a practical joke), catches a glimpse of a beautiful young woman, Yolanda, on the Baarn train station.

Raspberry Beret

This song is also said to be about Susan Moonsie of Vanity 6, but a glimpse of Prince's feelings towards the end of their relationship.

Richard G. Stern

Stern has been praised by many of the great writers and critics of the last fifty years, among them Anthony Burgess, Flannery O'Connor, Howard Nemerov, Thomas Berger, Hugh Kenner, Sven Birkerts, and Richard Ellmann, as well as his close friends Tom Rogers, Saul Bellow, Donald Justice, and Philip Roth (see Stern's forthcoming essay "Glimpse, Encounter, Acquaintance, Friendship" in Sewanee Review, Winter 2009).

Samuel Fosso

The style of Fosso is somewhat comparable with that of Diane Arbus, in a way that his self-portraits show a glimpse of our own humanity.

Super Impose

Super Impose was yet to win a metropolitan race, but, in coming from last at Flemington, had shown a glimpse of his 'preferred racing style'.

Teju Babyface

In production for its 6th Season, the show has played host to many celebrities and important personalities and remains an original African offering with such features as the theme music (Eri Okan/Conscience by King Sunny Ade) introducing viewers to a glimpse of the African soul.

The Sea Lady

The inspiration for the novel was Wells's glimpse of May Nisbet, the daughter of the Times drama critic, in a bathing suit, when she came to visit at Sandgate, Wells having agreed to pay her school fees after her father's death.

see also