
unusual facts about Gloria Guinness

Gloria Guinness

The Guinnesses had an apartment in Manhattan's Waldorf Towers, an 18th-century farmhouse called Villa Zanroc in Epalinges near Lausanne (with a bowling alley in the basement), a 350-ton yacht that plied the Mediterranean in the summer, a seven-story house on Avenue Matignon in Paris, decorated by Georges Geffroy (1903–1971), a stud farm in Normandy, Haras de Piencourt near Guy de Rothschild, and a mansion near Palm Beach at Lake Worth, Florida.

Victoria Niarchos

She is a daughter of Patrick Benjamin Guinness (1931-1965) (himself half-brother of the Aga Khan IV) and his wife (and stepsister), the former Dolores Guinness, Dolores Maria Agatha Wilhelmine Luise, Freiin von Fürstenberg-Hedringen (1936-2012), herself the daughter of the socialite Gloria Guinness (1912-1980) and Count Franz-Egon von Fürstenberg-Herdringen (1896-1975).

see also