
3 unusual facts about Gnathothlibus vanuatuensis

Gnathothlibus australiensis

It differs from Gnathothlibus vanuatuensis in smaller size and more unicolorous appearance.

Gnathothlibus fijiensis

It is similar to Gnathothlibus eras, Gnathothlibus saccoi and Gnathothlibus vanuatuensis but distinguishable by the distinctive olive green ground colour of the forewing upperside and the mauve outer edge to the tegula in the males.

Gnathothlibus vanuatuensis

It is similar to but differs from Gnathothlibus eras and Gnathothlibus saccoi by the complete absence of any long hair scales on the fore tarsi and clear reduction in length and thickness of the long hair scales covering fore tibiae in males.

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