
3 unusual facts about Go Bang!

Go Bang

Go-Bang, an 1894 stage musical by Adrian Ross and F. Osmond Carr

Go Bang!

Andrews returned to a more traditional Shriekback sound with 1992's Sacred City.

The band was under considerable pressure from Island Records to produce a hit from this album and British hitmaker Richard James Burgess was brought in to produce and mix the album.

see also


They broke up in 1994, and since then, Kaori Moriwaka (singer/songwriter) has become a solo singer/songwriter/producer/actress, while Mitsuko Saito (drums) and Misa Tanishima (bass guitar) have dropped beneath the radar, though apparently Saito has been seen drumming for a few other bands, fashion-modeling and played a drummer as an extra in one of J-pop singer Namie Amuro's Please Smile Again music videos.