
5 unusual facts about Godred Crovan

Domhnall mac Raghnaill

It is not clear who Gofraidh or Amhlaibh Fionn are, but they may refer to some of the Norse-Gaelic rulers of Mann and Dublin, possibly Amhlaibh Conung and Gofraidh Crobhán.

Godred Crovan

Irish annals record that this Gofraid was subject to the Irish King of Dublin, Murchad son of Diarmait mac Maíl na mBó of the Uí Cheinnselaig.


Gofraid mac meic Arailt, Gofraid Méranech, "King Orry" or Godred Crovan (died 1095), ruler of Dublin, King of Mann and the Isles, grandfather of;


In the second half of the 11th century, an independent Kingdom of Mann and the Isles was founded by Godred Crovan, who centred his kingdom on the Isle of Mann.

Loch Alsh

From the 9th century until the Treaty of Perth in 1266 CE control of the Hebrides alternated between the kingdoms of Norway and of Alba to the east, and independent Gaelic/Scandinavian rulers such as Ketil Flatnose, Maccus mac Arailt, Godred Crovan and Somerled.

see also

Uí Ímair

Although their descent from Godred Crovan is through the female line, Alex Woolf believes the Clann Somhairle (Clan Donald and Clan MacDougall) or the Lords of the Isles can be regarded as a "cadet branch" of the Uí Ímair, as they apparently based their claim to the Isles on this descent (according to Woolf).