This idea can be seen as a result of the advancement in technology in recent years, and adds a new dimension to Goffman’s social situation where face-to-face interaction is required.
Goffman’s play, Me Too, produced by David O. Sacks, premiered at the Stella Adler Theater in Hollywood.
As a concept, multicommunicating primarily builds off Hall’s work on polychronicity, Goffman’s theory of the presentation of self, and Daft and Lengel’s notion of media richness; multicommunicating is also similar in nature to the notion of multitasking.
However in sociology it is possible to see the "sentimental tradition" as extending into the present-day - to see, for example, 'Parsons as one of the great social philosophers in the sentimental tradition of Adam Smith, Burke, McLuhan, and Goffman...concerned with the relation between the rational and sentimental bases of social order raised by the market reorientation of motivation'.
Identity studies by Descartes (I think therefore I am), followed by Freud (id, ego and super ego), Erikson (ego as an identity within a social reality), Goffman (dramaturgical theory), and Foucault (the materiality of technologies of the self) were essential theoretical precursors upon which the discipline of Technoself Studies was built.