
unusual facts about Golgotha


Coat of arms of Hungary

Another not-so-well-known theory for the triple hills is that it symbolizes the hills of Calvary (Golgotha), where Jesus was crucified.

Garry Allighan

In 1961 he published the controversial Four Bonnets to Golgotha, a book about four members of the Booth family: Catherine, Florence, Evangeline Booth and Catherine Bramwell-Booth.

Justin Popović

On January 8, 1915, he resumed his duties sharing the destiny of the Serbian army, passing a path of Golgotha from Peć to Shkodër (along which one hundred thousand Serbian soldiers died) where on January 1, 1916 he entered the monastic order in the Orthodox cathedral of Shkodër and took the name of St. Justin, after the great Christian philosopher and martyr for Christ, St. Justin the Philosopher.

Kolau Nadiradze

In the perestroika years, already in his nineties, the poet regained the freedom of his early years and published what he had suppressed seventy years before, notably 25 February (25 თებერვალი) a short reaction to the Bolshevik takeover in 1921, which he compared to Golgotha set up by a group of Judases.

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