Goodbye Charlie Bright is a 2001 film directed by Nick Love and starring Paul Nicholls, Roland Manookian and Danny Dyer.
After looking in the window of a BMW it becomes clear that Julie, the girlfriend of Francis (Dyer), another member of 'The Firm', is having sex with "local nutter" Eddie (Phil Daniels), who is some 20 years older.
Charlie Chaplin | Charlie's Angels | Charlie Parker | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory | Charlie Crist | Bright Eyes | Charlie Rose | Charlie Sheen | Charlie Brown | Bright Eyes (band) | John Bright | Charlie Chan | Bright's disease | Charlie Watts | Good Luck Charlie | Charlie Weis | Charlie's Angels (film) | Charlie Rich | Charlie Mariano | Charlie Daniels | Charlie | Charlie Kemp | Charlie Ward | Charlie Sexton | Charlie George | Charlie Black | Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (film) | Charlie Norwood | Charlie Higson | Charlie Haas |