The short closes with the words: "Goodnight from TELEVISION NEW ZEALAND." with a voice (provided by David Dundas) saying "...and it's goodnight from Television New Zealand."
Kiwi | The Long Kiss Goodnight | Goodnight Nurse | North Island Brown Kiwi | The Last Goodnight | Our Song (Goodnight Nurse song) | kiwi | Charles Goodnight | Cast of the 1979 Steffenwolf production of Ralph Pape's ''Say Goodnight, Gracie'': Joan Allen | Veryl Goodnight | Kiwi Travel International Airlines | Kiwi Kingston | KIWI | Great Spotted Kiwi | Goodnight Moon | Goodnight Mister Tom (1998 film) | Goodnight Mister Tom | Ernie "Kiwi" Kingston |