
unusual facts about Government of Manitoba

Arctic Goose Joint Venture

In Canada, the national Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada is a participant, as is the Ministry of Natural Resources agency of the government of Ontario and Manitoba Conservation, a department of the government of Manitoba.

Investors Group Field

David Asper's original proposal involved both federal and provincial government financial contributions ($40 Million each), as well as a transfer of assets (the publicly owned Blue Bomber franchise itself will be transferred into Asper's control, and the existing undeveloped commercial real estate surrounding the stadium).

Manitoba Human Rights Commission

The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is a quasi-judicial arms-length agency of the Government of Manitoba that is responsible for enforcing The Human Rights Code (Manitoba).

see also

Hydroelectric Development in Easterville, Chemawawin

In 1962 the government of Manitoba contacted the Chemawawin Cree Nation asking them to surrender their lands so that the Grand Rapids Dam could be constructed.