
6 unusual facts about Government of Singapore

Chng Suan Tze v. Minister for Home Affairs

However, following the release of a press statement by the appellants in which they denied the Government's accusation that they were Marxist conspirators, the suspension directions were revoked and they were re-arrested.

Choor Singh

As Chairman of the Sikh Advisory Board, he persuaded the Government to allow the use of government school buildings for the teaching of the Punjabi language.

Fiscal year

The fiscal year for the Government of Singapore and many government-linked corporations runs from 1 April to 31 March.

History of the Jews in Singapore

Both synagogues still stand today and have been gazetted as national monuments by the Singapore Government.

Jurong railway station

When the Government of Singapore selected Jurong to be Singapore's next port and industrial estate, they realized that Jurong lacked good, smooth roads.

Low Thia Khiang

Ever since the Government of Singapore discouraged the use of Chinese dialects from 1979 onwards, he insists delivering his speeches in his mother tongue, Teochew, which have won the attraction and strong support from residents of the Hougang Constituency, comprising mainly Teochew people.

Arab Street

When Raffles was planning the outline of areas to be allocated for the government, as opposed to commercial and residential use, a community of Bugis seamen and merchants were already near the Sultan's palace.

Constitution of the Republic of Singapore Tribunal

The Government was represented by Chan Sek Keong and Soh Tze Bian of the Attorney-General's Chambers, and the Presidency by Joseph Grimberg and Walter Woon.

Green Dot Capital

Green Dot Capital is the subsidiary of investment vehicle of the government of Singapore, Temasek Holdings.

Operation Coldstore

The pro-communists, led by Lim Chin Siong strongly opposed this merger and were challenging the government of Singapore headed by Lee Kuan Yew of the People's Action Party (PAP) in their endeavour to establish a socialist state.

Teo Ho Pin

He is also the Mayor of the North West Community Development Council (CDC) and a Deputy Government Whip.

Yu-Foo Yee Shoon

Her political appointments included Mayor of South West District of Singapore and Minister of State at the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.

see also