
unusual facts about Government of Uganda

Jim Muhwezi

In June 2006, a Commission of Inquiry, headed by Justice James Munage Ogoola, set up by the Ugandan Government to inquire into the misuse of funds of the Global Fund for AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis, found in its report that Jim Muhwezi and his two Ministers of State, Captain Mike Mukula and Dr. Alex Kamugisha, were responsible for misuse of public funds.


In 2011, the government openened a brand new Shimoni Primary Teachers College, which had been relocated from Kampala, on land that now accommodates Kampala Intercontinental Hotel.

see also

Owiny Ki-Bul

Owiny Ki-Bul is, along with Ri-Kwangba, one of two assembly points for the rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) under the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement agreed to by the LRA and government of Uganda on 26 August 2006.


PostBank Uganda, a financial services provider owned 100% by the Government of Uganda


It, along with Owiny Ki-Bul, is one of two assembly points for the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) under the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement agreed to by the LRA and government of Uganda on 26 August 2006.


65% of the funding will be provided by the Government of Uganda, while 35% will be provided by the Nordic Development Fund.