
unusual facts about Governor of the Duchy of Milan

Carlos de Aragón de Gurrea, 9th Duke of Villahermosa

It was at that time, around 1677, he got reinforcements from the Spanish Governor of the Duchy of Milan, Gaspar Téllez-Girón, 5th Duke of Osuna, receiving thus the military Tercio of Valladares commanded by Field Marshal Isidro de la Cueva - Benavides.

Filippo Spinola, 2nd Marquis of the Balbases

He was the son of Ambrogio Spinola, 1st Marquis of the Balbases, (Genoa, Italy, 1569 - 25 September 1630), 1st duke of Sesto, (title awarded in Naples on 2 April 1612), granted the Grandee of Spain on 17 December 1621 with his marquisate, Conqueror of Breda, 1623, Governor of the Duchy of Milan, also a Knight of the Order of the Golden Fleece, 1631, and Giovanetta Bacciadone y Doria (1597–1615).

Gaspar Téllez-Girón, 5th Duke de Osuna

He married again in 1672, aged 47, 19 years old Ana Antonia Francisca, (Milán, 14 April 1653 - Madrid, 4 December 1707, aged 50), 4th Marchioness of Caracena, a daughter of Luis de Benavides Carrillo, Marquis of Caracena, 6th marquis of Frómista, Governor of the Duchy of Milan, Governor of the Habsburg Netherlands.

see also