
2 unusual facts about Grégoire Owona

Grégoire Owona

After the newspapers L'Anecdote and Nouvelles d'Afrique—as part of an effort to identify prominent individuals guilty of "deviant behavior"—reported that Owona and about 50 others were homosexuals, he filed a defamation suit in February 2006, along with two doctors who were also identified as homosexual.

Defending his newspaper in court on 28 February 2006, Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga, the editor of L'Anecdote, presented as evidence an audio recording in which an unidentified person asserted that Owona was guilty of homosexual acts and promised that further evidence was forthcoming.

LGBT rights in Cameroon

A Cameroon court jailed Jean Pierre Amougou Belinga for four months for defaming Gregoire Owona, a government minister named in the list of 50 presumed homosexuals in Cameroon.

see also