
2 unusual facts about Grace Ingalls

Grace Ingalls

Grace Pearl Ingalls Dow (May 23, 1877, Burr Oak, Iowa, USA – November 10, 1941) was the fifth and last child of Caroline and Charles Ingalls.

Manchester, South Dakota

Grace Ingalls Dow, sister of Little House on the Prairie author Laura Ingalls Wilder, spent a significant part of her adult life in Manchester.

Carrie Ingalls

Laura Ingalls Wilder was the longest-lived Ingalls daughter by far, outliving Mary Ingalls by 29 years, Carrie by 11 years, and Grace Ingalls by 16 years.

Courtnie Bull

Courtnie Bull (born November 8, 1990) is an American actress who appeared as a supporting actress in roles such as Murder at 75 Birch, Beyond the Prairie: The True Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder portraying Grace Ingalls, and a small role in the film Friends & Lovers.

see also