
2 unusual facts about Grating


The branch of mathematics dealing with this part of optics is Fourier analysis.

Campbell and Robson promoted using sine-wave gratings by arguing that the human visual performs a Fourier analysis on retinal images.



Church of Sant'Andrea fifteenth of style with bell tower of the 15th century.The presbytery is separated from the nave by an iron grating.

Cheese Grater

A Cheese Grater is a kitchen implement used for grating food products.

Controversy over linguistic and ethnic identity in Moldova

In September 2007, Romania resumed its policy of grating (or restoring as it says) Romanian citizenship to Moldovans who requested it.

Grey Treepie

The voice is described as harsh and grating, but like other species is quite varied and includes a grating k-r-r-r-r sound as well as more melodious notes not unlike those of the Rufous Treepie.

Little Red Riding Rabbit

Little Red Riding Hood is depicted as a typical 1940s teen-aged girl, a "bobby soxer" with an extremely loud and grating voice (inspired by screen and radio comedienne Cass Daley, provided by Bea Benaderet).

Potts Hill, New South Wales

Equipment included a 4 element yagi and single yagi antennas, a 16-ft x 18-ft paraboloid, a Mills Cross Telescope prototype, a 68-inch paraboloid, swept lobe interferometer yagi aerials, a prototype of a Fleurs Cross aerial and 16 and 32 element solar grating arrays.

Space Nanotechnology Laboratory

It is also the home of the Nanoruler, a unique and high-precision grating patterning tool.

The Bat Segundo Show

The Bat Segundo Show started in 2004, as a "shameless excuse to interview David Mitchell." Needing an introduction, Champion took the name of "Bat Segundo" from Mitchell's first novel, Ghostwritten, (later obtaining Mitchell's permission) and created "a deliberately unappealing and grating character" to introduce each segment.

see also