
5 unusual facts about Great Dividing Range

Brown-headed Honeyeater

The Brown-headed Honeyeater ranges from central-southern Queensland, down through central and eastern New South Wales (though generally west of the Great Dividing Range), across Victoria and into eastern South Australia, where it is found in the Flinders Ranges and around the lower Murray River region.

Heathcote Junction railway station

The railway crests the Great Dividing Range through a cutting on the Melbourne side of the station, which is the highest point on the line.

Kelso, New South Wales

The church has a close association with early settlement west of the Great Dividing Range.


Found west of the Great Dividing Range in the arid areas of Australia, they are not a common sight because of their shyness and the remoteness of much of their range from human habitation.

Short-finned eel

In Australia, they are restricted to the area on the seaward side of the Great Dividing Range, from about Mount Gambier in the south-eastern corner of South Australia, through Victoria, Tasmania, the Bass Strait islands and up the eastern seaboard to the Richmond River in northern New South Wales.

1948 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash

About 280 nautical miles (520 km) south of Brisbane it crashed into rising terrain in the North West Slopes of Australia's Great Dividing Range, due to an erroneously determined position based on errors in the navigational equipment the pilots relied upon for determining a safe course through the rising terrain.

Australian north-east coast drainage division

The north-east coast drainage division is the area of Queensland between the Great Dividing Range and the ocean.

Australian Swiftlet

A. t. chillagoensis is found further inland in the area around Chillagoe, west of the Great Dividing Range.

Barnard River

Barnard River rises on the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range, near Hanging Rock, east of Nundle, and flows generally east southeast, joined by seven tributaries including the Bank and Curricabark rivers, before reaching its confluence with the Manning River, near Bretti.

Brigalow Belt

The Northern Brigalow Belt includes the coal producing Bowen Basin with the nearby Drummond Basin and the fertile Peak Downs areas while the southern belt runs into the huge Great Artesian Basin with the sandstone gorges of the Carnarvon Range of the Great Dividing Range separating the two areas.

Curricabark River

Curricabark River rises on the eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range, northwest of Cootera Hill, southeast of Nundle and flows generally southeast, before reaching its confluence with the Barnard River, northwest of Giro, north of Gloucester.

Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority

The Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority (CMA) lies south of the Great Dividing Range, the region contains areas of scenic beauty, magnificent and dramatic coastline, superb national parks and rich biodiversity.

Great Eastern Ranges

The Great Eastern Ranges extend from southern Victoria to north of Cairns in Queensland, Australia, encompassing the Great Dividing Range and the Great Escarpment – two very old, mountainous, sometimes undulating and occasionally tableland landscapes situated on the eastern side of the continent.

see also

Daungwurrung language

Daungwurrung was spoken north of the Great Dividing Range in the Goulburn River Valley around Mansfield, Benalla and Heathcote.

Djadjawurrung language

Djadjawurrung was spoken by 16 clans around Murchison, the central highlands region, east to Kyneton, west to the Pyrenees, north to Boort and south to the Great Dividing Range.