
unusual facts about Great Flood


The 17th-century Guide of Giacomo Lauro, reworked from writings of Annio da Viterbo, states that 108 years after the Great Flood, Noah entered the Valdichiana via the Tiber and Paglia rivers.

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge

The Subsiding of the Waters of the Deluge is an 1829 painting by English-born American artist Thomas Cole depicting the aftermath of the Great Flood.

see also

1953 North Kyushu Flood

The torrential rain of the rainy season, amounting to more than 1,000 mm on Aso and Hikosan mountains, produced the great flood to many rivers such as Chikugo River and the toll of more than 1,000 people dead and missing.

Dow H. Drukker

He was knighted as an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau by Queen Juliana for services rendered in the great flood of 1953.

Hollister Jackson

Hollister Jackson (December 7, 1875—November 2, 1927) was the 54th Lieutenant Governor of Vermont; he was killed in the Great Flood of 1927.

Kathrine Taylor

Retiring in 1966, she moved to Florence, Italy and wrote Diary of Florence in Flood, inspired by the great flood of the Arno river in November of that year.