
unusual facts about Great Khan

Duwa Temür

During his reign, Great Khan Tugh Temur (1328 - 1329 and 1329 - 1332) took a third of revenues from Khiva and Khot in the Chagatai Khanate.


He later became the military leader of Georgian and Armenian combined forces under Möngke Khan, the fourth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire.

Orda Khan

The Great Khan Guyuk ordered Temuge Otchigin, who tried to illegally usurp the throne for himself, to be investigated by Orda and Mongke in c.1246.

Ratimir of Pannonian Croatia

In 827, the Bulgars under Great Khan Omurtag invaded and conquered the Croatian Principality of Southern Pannonia (Savia) and parts of territories to the north of Savia, that were a part of Frankish kingdom.

see also

Al-Kamil Muhammad

Batu agreed to hold off invading Mayyafariqin if Al Kamil Muhammad would go in person to the Great Khan Möngke in Karakorum to present his submission.


Güyük Khan (c. 1206–1248), the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire

Wernigerode Armorial

More royal and ducal arms are given, partly real and partly fictitious, including those of the Dauphin, Wessex(?), Italy (kingdom of Naples), Ireland, Outremer (the Jerusalem Cross, and of "Calistria, queen of the Amazons", Brittany, "the great Khan", Arabia, Niniveh, Granada.